Life is a wonderful, crazy, confusing place and I'm just trying to find my place in it. Great family, friends and a wonderful business keep me grounded and this blog is filled with a little of everything from my life.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Tons has been going on with me lately. Sweet Whimsy is absolutely taking off & it's getting difficult to keep up with all of the custom orders. Custom photo pendants are definitely a HIT! We are currently working with 2 local photographers, Nicole Geller Photography & Organic Images by K. Alexander, and continue to get photos emailed to us directly from customers to turn into pendants.
We also can't seem to keep enough decoupage clipboards in stock! Sold 4 last weekend and we are currently working on 6 custom ones!! AMAZING!
Who knows what will happen after our show at Keystone UMC in Odessa this weekend, but I have a feeling we'll be having to make non-stop pendants to keep up with the demand!!
If you're in the Tampa area, please stop by Keystone UMC on Saturday, October 10. We'll be there from 9:00am-2:00pm showcasing our pendants and a few other items.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Our new addition!
Couldn't wait to share the great news! It's a girl.....puppy that is! :)
We visited the Humane Society of Tampa Bay yesterday & fell in love with the sweetest pup! She's just a mix breed, but she's definitely the PERFECT mixed breed. The Humane Society estimated her to be about 4 months old and she weighs about 25 pounds right now. She could get to be up to 60 pounds, but we think she's going to wind up more around the 40 pound mark.
Both kids LOVE her & she's pretty calm for a puppy. Our son is more rambunctious than the puppy, so the transition has been easy so far. :) She listens really well and already knows sit, down and shake. She's not housetrained yet, but I think she'll be easier to housetrain than Evan is to potty train. :p
If you're looking for a pet, adoption from a shelter is best! You're giving a great pet a home and so many animals are out there just waiting for their "forever family". This is our second dog adoption from the Humane Society. Our first dog was wonderful & we think our new baby will be a great family dog too.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Treasure Hunt update
If you happen to be from another area (in or out of Florida) or cannot make it to the grand prize drawing event, Sweet Whimsy is happy to offer the 10% off to anyone who orders and mentions the treasure hunt. Also, if your merchandise order totals $20.00 or more, you can choose a pendant from our site for free!
Didn't want to leave anyone out on the fun, so there's something for everyone near & far!!!
Happy treasure hunting!
Please email me if you have any questions.
Are you up for a Treasure Hunt?
Mother’s Day Gift Online Treasure Hunt
Why make gift shopping for the Moms in your life boring??
Make it a Treasure Hunt for the perfect gift while also winning prizes for you.
Beginning Monday, April 13th through Sunday, April 19th order great gifts for Mom online from the companies listed below and win prizes and an entry into the Grand prize. Look out for the special event only offers and mini treasure hunt prizes.
Simply order from 5 of the following vendors ($15.00 minimum per vendor), and receive an entry into the Grand prize drawing! The Grand Prize includes: A Lovely ladybug clipboard and Ladybug checkers picture frame from Sweet Whimsy, a Sparkling Aqua Abalone and Crystal bracelet from Cookie Lee Jewelry, 5 skin so soft bug guard products from Avon, a box of IsaDelight Chocolates from Isagenix and brand new 2009 scrapbooking supplies from Memory Works..
Grand Prize Party!! All products can be picked up on May 3rd from 3-4 P.M.
This is a great opportunity to see products in person and ask any questions you may have. One entry per five orders-individual or teams entries allowed. Only one Grand prize basket will be awarded at 4 P.M. Please remember to print your receipts and bring them with you for your chance to win.
Party Location: Kim’s Cagle's Home 4425 Tarkington Dr. Land O’ Lakes, FL 34639
The vendors, their specials for the event, their mini treasure hunts and all the information you need to contact them is as follows:
1) Sweet Whimsy www.oursweetwhimsy. com Jan Ward and Jennifer Klemp 813-224-3582 or
Special: 10% off all orders, free shipping if picked up on May 3rd. Mini treasure hunt: Find a rose hidden on website for a free altered wood pendant!
2) Cookie Lee Jewelry Lisa Devitt Email order to:
Mini treasure hunt: Find a “Sparkling Pink Daisy Necklace” on website for a surprise gift!
3) Avon www.youravon. com/shiles Stacy Hiles 813-477-4247 or avonnewtampa@
Special: free shipping on any order “fsany” code
4) Isagenix Shandra Valenzuela 813-765-2681 or
Mini treasure hunt: Name 3 featured videos under the “Isavideos” tab for surprise gift.
5) Efusjon Shandra Valenzuela 813-765-2681 or sellefusjon@
Mini Treasure hunt: Find the cost to become an associate. Hint- look on pg.8 of Compensation plan for a surprise.
6) Memory Works Scrapbooking Kim Cagle 813-493-7005 or tinyinkr@tampabay.
Special: Free shipping if picked up May 3rd. Mini treasure hunt: Name your favorite “Petaloo” product in online shop for special gift.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Pendant Paradise
What does every girl need in her life? My answer is a whole smorgasbord of pendants!
I just started making altered wood tile pendants & BOY are they a BLAST to create! The possibilities are endless with such gorgeous scrapbook paper out there to use, personal photos and random clip art. The wood tile pendants are made by gluing on the paper, painting the sides, then pouring resin on the surface to create a glass-like face.
My pendants are very affordable at $6.50 a piece. I wanted to price them reasonably so you can have one for every outfit, if you choose to.
Go to to buy online!
Em's Custom Clipboard
Ever since I started making decoupaged clipboards, my little Emily wanted one of her own. She's an elephant nut, so I finally found the perfect paper for hers. I finished tying on the ribbons today & just had to share!
It's so cute....and Emily loves it!

The fabulous Cricut
Oh, the joy of owning a Cricut Expression!! I just finished making 50 sale tags for our Sweet Whimsy products. The tags are SO cute! They have a dragonfly cut-out on them which is just perfect for us since our logo has a dragonfly on it.
I used the Walk in My Garden cartridge & the Cricut pretty much did the rest. I'm adding eyelets & string to tie them to our products so the prices are on each item for shows. What an easy, fun way to make our products a little more personal! So much nicer than a plain white sticker for a price tag.
Sweet Whimsy
Sweet Whimsy
I've finally put all of my MLM businesses to the side and have begun a new venture with my closest friend. We just launched Sweet Whimsy this month and are crafting our little fingers to the bone! I'm so excited to be creating again and love that my daughter jumps in helping me paint, choose colors and toss around ideas.Tonight I was working on making an elephant clipboard for my daughter, finished sealing a dog themed clipboard, and finished painting a ladybug frame. I'll post pics when they are in their finished stage. :)
Here are a few things I've finished recently....
Lovely Ladybug clipboard
It's been so long since I've crafted and I am having so much fun creating again! Ideas are spinning in my head and it's almost overwhelming! Can't wait for our first craft show to see how the public feels about our designs.